Sunday, October 21, 2007

Silver Cord Temporary BiDirectional Wormhole to Parallel Universe

The Silver Cord connects the astral body(consciousness) to the physical body during an NDE, whilst the entity experiences an atemporal panoramic life review through holographic karmic projections from the Akashic Library during the encounter with Akasha aka The Divine Light, wherby the life review is during an instanton, wherby subjective responses towards emotional actions are portrayed from recipients back to the manifestor of the emotion for objective insight.

Does this connectivity facilitate through a temporary wormhole to a parallel universe?

What is the physics of this parallel universe and what are the quantum mechanical implications if this parallel universe can coexist with ours.

The severence of the silver cord represents the transition point from an NDE to death and the travel is irreversible back into the physical body, hence why I say that the silver chord acts as a temporary bidirectional wormhole to the parallel universe. However severence implies that travel is one way outwards towards the parallel universe.

The confusing part for me is where are the permanent wormholes that allow for conscious entities to connect from the parallel universe to ours. Are these within compactified dimensions?

What is the physics for permamnent wormhole connectivity between the two universes.
In this multiverse scenario what are the difference in physics.
Our physics is baryonic. Is the parallel universe necessarily non baryonic?

M33 X7 SuperMassive Black Hole

The main component of this graphic is an artist's representation of M33 X-7, a binary system in the nearby galaxy M33. In this system, a star about 70 times more massive than the Sun (large blue object) is revolving around a black hole.

This black hole is almost 16 times the Sun's mass, a record for black holes created from the collapse of a giant star. Other black holes at the centers of galaxies are much more massive, but this object is the record-setter for a so-called "stellar mass" black hole.

Ramanujan's Galaxy NGC 4104

In the course of the ROSAT all-sky survey the S0 galaxy NGC 4104 was
found to be a surprisingly strong X-ray source with a luminosity of 1.6
10^42erg/sec. S0 galaxies are generally found to be weak radio and X-ray
sources. The observed high X-ray luminosity hints at the presence of
either a low-luminosity Seyfert nucleus or large amounts of hot
ionized gas in NGC 4104, both of which would also be unexpected for an
S0 galaxy.

NGC 4104, is my second classification of galaxies within the category of Ramanujan Doubles.

Since then, integer solutions to:

I^3 + J^3 = K^3 + L^3

have been called “Ramanujan Numbers” more specifically Ramanujan Doubles.

Astrophysical data for NGC 4104 is as follows:

Observation and Astrometry data
Constellation: Coma Berenices
Right ascension: 12h06m38.80s
Declination: +28°10'25.0"
Aparent dimensions: 2.512′ × 1.148′

Catalogs and designations:
Proper Names (Edit)
NGC 2000.0 NGC 4104

NGC 4104 UGC 7099
Constellation: Coma Berenices
Dimension: 2.6'x 1.6'
Magnitude: 12.10
Surface Brightness: 13.40
Description: pB
pS;lE;bM H II 370

J2000 RA: 12h06m36.00s DE:+28°10'00.0"
Date RA: 12h06m59.83s DE:+28°07'23.7"

Birmingham 2007-10-21 10h12m ( TU + 1h00m )
Sideral Time : 11h02m
Hour Angle : 22h55m
Azimuth :+147°18'
Altitude :+62°49'

Rise : 2h16m Azimuth:+38°05'
Culmination : 11h18m
Set : 20h21m Azimuth:+321°55'
Distance to the last object : +00°00'00.0" PA:180

0h00m00.0s +00°00'00"

Ramanujan's Galaxy NGC 1729

The number 1729 is called the Hardy-Ramanujan number, and it is the smallest nontrivial Taxicab number, i.e., the smallest natural number representable in two ways as a sum of two cubes:
1729 = Ta(2) = 13 + 123 = 93 + 103.

The nth taxicab number Ta(n) is the smallest natural number representable in n ways as a sum of positive cubes.

The number derives its name from the following story G. H. Hardy told about Ramanujan.

"Once, in the taxi from London, Hardy noticed its number, 1729.

He must have thought about it a little because he entered the room where Ramanujan lay in bed and, with scarcely a hello, blurted out his disappointment with it.

It was, he declared, 'rather a dull number,' adding that he hoped that wasn't a bad omen. 'No, Hardy,' said Ramanujan, 'it is a very interesting number.

It is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two [positive] cubes in two different ways.'"
Nowadays, the Taxicab numbers are given by:
Ta(1) = 2
Ta(2) = 1729
Ta(3) = 87539319
Ta(4) = 6963472309248
Ta(5) = 48988659276962496
The sixth taxicab number is strongly believed but not yet proven to be 24153319581254312065344.
Visit to keep you informed.

1729 is the third Carmichael number and the first absolute Euler pseudoprime.

1729 is a Zeisel number. It is a centered cube number, as well as a dodecagonal number, a 24-gonal and 84-gonal number.

Investigating pairs of distinct integer-valued quadratic forms that represent every integer the same number of times, Schiemann found that such quadratic forms must be in four or more variables, and the least possible discriminant of a four-variable pair is 1729 (Guy 2004).

Because in base 10 the number 1729 is divisible by the sum of its digits, it is a Harshad number. It also has this property in octal (1729 = 33018, 3 + 3 + 0 + 1 = 7) and hexadecimal (1729 = 6C116, 6 + C + 1 = 1910), but not in binary.

1729 has another interesting property: the 1729th decimal place is the beginning of the first occurrence of all ten digits consecutively in the decimal representation of the transcendental number e, although, of course, this fact would not have been known to either mathematician, since the computer algorithms used to discover this were not implemented until much later.[2]

Masahiko Fujiwara showed that 1729 is one of four natural numbers (the others are 81 and 1458 and the trivial case 1) which, when its digits are added together, produces a sum which, when multiplied by its reversed self, yields the original number:

1 + 7 + 2 + 9 = 19
19 · 91 = 1729
Fujiwara claimed that he proved there are only four numbers that have the property. Even though it seems to be true, he never has shown his proof.

Further 1729 Trivia

Even Further 1729 Trivia
concerning e transcendental number and Richard Feynmann's japanese abacus competition

PGC16529 NGC 1729
Class: .SAS5..
Dimension: 1.6/ 1.3'
Blue Magnitude:
Color Index:
Surface Brightness:
Radial Velocity: 3553

J2000 RA: 5h00m15.70s DE:-03°21'10.0"
Date RA: 5h00m39.10s DE:-03°20'29.8"

Birmingham 2007-10-21 10h12m ( TU + 1h00m )
Sideral Time : 11h02m
Hour Angle : 6h01m
Azimuth :+268°13'
Altitude :-02°12'

Rise : 22h26m Azimuth:+94°45'
Culmination : 4h12m
Set : 9h58m Azimuth:+265°15'
Distance to the last object : +00°00'00.0" PA:180

0h00m00.0s +00°00'00"

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Indexing The Akashic Records

The Ultimate Search Engine Architecture of The Akashic Records has got to be the most monumental task for mankind.


What is the process of crawling the Akashic Records?

If the Akashic Records are unstructured, then surely the best way to minimize entropy is to index the Akashic Records so that search can efficiently find information from a more ordered system.

Who/What is capable of the indexing process?

This is impossible from a temporal perspective and can only be achieved via a dimesnion that admits atemporal characteristics.

Equations of The Akashic Records

The set of thoughts

{i=i1 ....i=iN ....i=i∞} for all events,

where each event may be perceived up to N unique times where

is most likely the Universal Set of thoughts namely the Akashic Library of thoughts.

Which reminds me, I need to get up to speed with Ervwin Laszlo

The Karmic Projections are just a subset of this Akashic Library.

A more verbose set of equations can be found here

Monday, October 15, 2007

Higher Dimension Theory

I have ecently been reading around the "life review" that is presented holographically and panoramically and most importantly atemporal.

It is the atemporal characteristic of the life review which is a projection of the karmic records from the akashic library, through vivid panoramic holographs that are the most fascinating experiences that people witness during NDEs.

The independent and objective interpretation of the consequences of your thoughts expoerienced by others is testimony to information persistence outside the physical dimensions.

I have been told that ancestors through thought can coexist with us in parallel universes and yet we cannot see them.

I propose that information via consciousness is a dimension of its own, ie the information dimension, can be tapped via sub and super consciousness and even after death(physical)

The same 4 dimensional event can be perceived differently through thought by different observers coexisting in the same reference frame, hence information could be a possible higher dimesnion.

Two representations of Event1, with corrdinates t,x,y,z,i
t=temporal dimension
x,y,z = spatial dimensions
i = information dimension

where t,x,y,z are the same for 2 events ie the same event at the same time and place.

t=t1, x=x1,y=y1,z=z1, i=i1
t=t1, x=x1,y=y1,z=z1, i=i2

ie the same event carries 2 different informations?

Maybe information can be represented by more than one dimension?

Does that cover some of the compactified non physical dimensions somehow?

Some dimesnions for thought here...

Physical Spatial
1 x=x1
2 y=x2
3 z=x3

Temporal Dimensions
1 t=t1=SingleExperience=MyEvent
2 t=tN=MultipleExperiences=MyEvents =atemporal ie Life Review

1 i1=Thought= Event Based Present
2 i2=Wisdom=SomeoneElse's Event Past/Present
3 i3=Virtue=?

Maybe I should do a PhD if I win the lottery?

Sunday, October 07, 2007

50 Years In Space

On October 4th 1957, Sputnik 1 was launched into Space and made history.

A journey that began in May 27th 1954 and the rest is history.

Amongst the greatest Pioneers in Rocketry was an American Robert Hutchings Goddard 1882-1945.

The development of liquid-propellant rockets began during the decade from 1920 to 1930. The first successful liquid-propellant rocket, built by Goddard, was launched in 1926 near Auburn.

Although most of the scientists who pioneered in the field of liquid-propellant rockets used gasoline as a propellant

Amongst the greatest Pioneers in Rocketry was a Russian Konstantin Eduuardovitch Tsiolkovsky 1857-1935

One of the propellant combinations that Tsiolkovsky favored, used commonly today in launch vehicles, was liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen because it produces a particularly high exhaust velocity. This factor, the rocket equation reveals, helps determine the maximum speed that a spacecraft of given mass can reach. There was the problem of converting hydrogen, especially, into liquid; yet, to begin with, Tsiolkovsky brushed this aside. He did note, however, that: “The hydrogen may be replaced by a liquid or condensed hydrocarbon; for example, acetylene or petroleum.”

His rocket equation led him to another important realization:
If a single-stage rocket is to attain cosmic velocity it must carry an immense store of fuel. Thus, to reach the first cosmic velocity [his term for the speed needed to enter Earth orbit], 8 km/s, the weight of fuel must exceed that of the whole rocket (payload included) by at least four times... The stage principle, on the other hand, enables us either to obtain high cosmic velocities, or to employ comparatively small amounts of propellant components.
The concept of the multistage rocket had been known to firework-makers for at least two centuries. But Tsiolkovsky was the first to analyze it in depth, and he concluded that it was the only feasible way of enabling a spacecraft to escape from the Earth’s gravity.

Amongst the greatest Pioneers in Rocketry was a German Wernher Von Braun 1912 - 1977

Von Braun selected nitric acid/hydrazine propellants, perhaps as a result of the same Peenemuende research that influenced the French team. Von Braun made significant advances in refining Rocket Design over the years.

All these great pioneers laid foundation of the History of Rocket Science.